Case Studies

These case studies are real-life examples where our experienced team has guided clients in addressing succession and inheritance issues to achieve an agreed outcome.

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Case Study 1


A family with a large business wants to leave the business intact, but has 3 siblings who each wish to have their own wealth (assets).


Sold off assets for each sibling to own and manage, and left the main business under joint ownership.

Case Study 2


A multi-generational family with differing views as to how their large business should be run, and some family members want to exit the business structure. The families have very few assets outside the main business.


Negotiated a share ‘buy-back’ on agreed terms for those family members who wished to exit the business.

Case Study 3


A family with substantial assets but siblings who can’t agree how they should be managed.


An orderly disposal of the assets among the siblings, whilst some assets remain jointly owned.

Case Study 4


A family with moderate, joint assets and 3 siblings with substantially different wealth situations.


Obtained agreement that an unequal split of assets is fair and appropriate.

Case Study 5


Advised the Estate of a successful business owner who passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, with no will in place.


Validated the will (obtained probate) in multiple countries; advised on a proposed sale of business; advised on distribution of assets to all beneficiaries, including some who were unknown to the primary beneficiary when the business owner died.

Case Study 6


Successful, retail/services business had no succession plan to handover control to next generation or to a non-family executive. Only one of three siblings worked in the business and the father did not believe he was interested in the role.


We facilitated a whole-family discussion and reached agreement for one of the siblings to take over as CEO, over a suitable time period.


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